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Always | Sometimes | Maybe | Never |
Ganol (played anonymously) | |
Nole. Best friend, former roommate, and loved companion. A calming presence in her life. |
Alauntree Baenduis (played by IceyLady) | |
TreeTree. Boss. |
Rose Mulrennan (played anonymously) | |
A beauty she enjoys spending time with. |
Delysia (played by Rose) | |
It was a rocky road. The motherly figure Lavena never had. She looks up to Delysia. |
Draum (played anonymously) | |
He took pity on her and gave her work, helping to give her some independence and a place to stay. A mentor and father figure. |
Aemar (played by Aubrey) | |
Respected. |
Reklen Duskclaw (played by CaTisReckless) | |
Rekky. A long ago close friend. |
Red Death (played anonymously) | |
Intimidating but kind. |
Unaffected (played anonymously) | |
She feels complete with him, whole, and isn't sure how she's lived up until now without this precious being in her life. |
Ghaedoli (played by Lhisea) | |
She likes Lee and is happy for her. |
Sevant (played by burnbanktony) | |
Cake Monster. Full of wisdom. |
Sweeck (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Gave Lav a special brownie. Happened to be on her birthday, so it's extra special. |
Eisenhauer (played anonymously) | |
Mister Hammer. Because he carries a big hammer. |
Raith Whitacre (played anonymously) | |
He almost made a scribe out of her, but the job didn't work out. |
James Crovax Darkarma (played anonymously) | |
Etla's king. He was very nice to her, she thinks he's kind and wise. |
Rosalind Backus (played by AbigailWilde) | |
Don't know much about her. She was in the brothel after the eclipse, when Lavena stopped by to see if they needed help with clean up. |
Nuzh di-Gahl (played by Bananasaurus) | |
How cute! She hopes to run into them more often. |
Manoja (played anonymously) | |
A controlling, manipulative, narcissistic dragon. |
Nicoalov (played anonymously) | |
Nico. Someone kind, and someone Dj cares about. |
Shinoski (played by SamuraiGreen) | |
Shino. He seems nice, had a really good idea about where to sleep for free. He's one of a few who found her wandering during the eclipse and brought her to safety. |
Dakarai Bassler (played by SunshineandRainbows) | |
Kari. A run in during the eclipse kept them at odds. |
Riley Keller (played by LuminousGhost) | |
She explained things, helped her through her emotions, and helped her understand how to defend herself. |
Shovhell (played anonymously) | |
Silver Sapphira (played by FishyFi) | |
Brief encounter she doesn't remember. |
Snowe Children (played anonymously) | |
The kids who helped her work through her fear of kids. |
Zyla (played anonymously) | |
ZyZy. They both like nicknames and adventures, it was a quick friendship that came to an abrupt end. |
Djhutmose (played anonymously) | |
Dee. They dated for a while and things ended on good terms. |
Sepheres (played anonymously) | |
Seppy. She was able to have deep and meaningful talks with him. |
Lagoy (played anonymously) | |
One of the few she can't see giving a nickname. She had a lot of fun with him, and he helped her through some rough spots. |
Heliodoro (played anonymously) | |
Ashmantle (played anonymously) | |
Not who she thought he was. |
Jason Bonham (played by Saberus) | |
Delicate (played anonymously) | |